September: Saying Goodbye to Leo

It is with a very heavy heart we would like to inform you that Danica has euthanized her horse Leo this past weekend. Although Leo was making wonderful progress in his rehab program earlier this spring, he suffered an avulsion fracture and bone chip off the back of his left hind cannon bone from the stronger suspensory ligament. Despite extensive efforts including an MRI and subsequent surgery at Paton and Martin Vet Hospital, shock wave therapy, and additional controlled rehab, Leo developed a rare complication of the procedure, resulting in its failure. At that point, Danica had hoped to offer him a comfortable retirement. However, Leo recently experienced a second avulsion fracture off the opposite, right hind cannon bone. Without the prospect of remaining comfortable, Danica made the very difficult but responsible decision to say goodbye.

In his last couple months Leo has been enjoying the afternoons in the field, lots of yummy treats and extra attention from all of his favourite people (he has a great affinity for both treats and human attention equally). His friendly face and soft deep nicker will be greatly missed.

Danica would like to thank every member of Leo’s team, who helped in his care and rehabilitation over the last year, as well as helped support her during this difficult time.