October Case of the Month: A Birdie Update!
Birdie has faced some big challenges this summer. Firstly, she underwent the first surgery to restrict the growth of the maxilla and its incisors to give the mandible some time to catch up in size. Not only has the surgery and sequelae been difficult for Birdie as she couldn’t nurse afterwards and had to be weaned. But she also injured the skin of her hind legs being an active foal, and required further antibiotics. Due to these events, Birdie then developed chronic diarrhea and a failure to thrive. Despite exceptional care and nutrition, we couldn’t seem to bring her back to the pillar of health that she was prior to the surgery. The surgical wire was removed and in October, Birdie received a fecal transfaunation with her mother’s feces. She has certainly been the youngest horse we’ve ever performed a transfaunation on but thankfully she has improved substantially and is on the path to health again. The next decision is whether to try this surgery again, or opt for a different surgery in which the mandible is extended surgically. Stay tuned for her progress.
- Here are Birdie’s xrays post surgery.
- Here are Birdie’s xrays post surgery.