April: ‘No-See-Ums’ are back!

Look familiar? During our spring exams this month, we have come across several horse bellies that are exhibiting the classic symptoms of Sweet Itch, also known as Insect-Bite Hypersensitivity. Sweet Itch is an allergic reaction to the saliva of biting midges called Culicoides, better known as “No-See-Ums”. It causes intense itching along the mane, tail head and the belly of horses. Many horses, overwhelmed by the relentless itching, traumatize their skin in an attempt to get relief, rubbing their bodies on any surface available. These behaviours can lead to abraded skin wounds, embedded foreign material and secondary infections. Management of this problem is very frustrating for owners as well. Control is very difficult and treatment needs to begin BEFORE the horse starts exhibiting signs, so that the allergic reaction can be suppressed immediately. Unfortunately there is no cure for this condition so prevention and early treatment are key to keeping your horse comfortable during the spring and summer months. For a list of management tips to help your horse, please click here.