March: First Aid Lecture!

On March 10th, Swiftsure Equine and Eden Equine hosted a Basic First Aid lecture at the Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association. Due to popular demand, we had to add second lecture time in the afternoon! Dr Danica began the lecture with a short presentation of Common Equine Emergencies, how to identify them and what information is important to provide your veterinarian (check out the powerpoint lecture here). After the lecture, participants were separated into groups of four and practised their exam and bandaging techniques with the willing and patient VTRA horses. In these groups, members learned how to perform a physical exam; including taking a temperature, feeling for digital pulses, listening to the heart, administering eye medications and oral medications as well as bandaging legs. We want to extend a huge thank you to the VTRA for hosting this lecture at their facility and to their wonderful horses for standing so patiently while participants practised their skills! All the proceeds from the tickets purchased for this lecture went to the VTRA and together with Eden Equine, we managed to raise $750 for them!